– If, at any time, your company no longer needs website, simply do not pay the monthly hosting fee. Service will stop working, you will lose the right to use the website and domain. There is no extra charge for the service interruption.
-Domain ownership. If, you wish to cancel service with us but keep domain name this needs to be reported before cancellation of service. You can request to transfer domain to other provider – there is $29 fee to release domain from our system.
– Your new website will be created with website builder. You’re not the owner of this website. Your company receives the right to use the website/domain for as long as you renew the monthly plan with us. The right to use the website/domain is renewed each month when you pay monthly fee (website must be hosted by Attract.Click – New Media Group, Inc.)
– You can downgrade or upgrade your plan at anytime ex. $750/m to $300/m or $300/m to $750/m
– You can purchase rights to the site at any time for a one-time fee of $199. After payment , we will export your website’s HTML code and you can host it with any hosting company. It is important to understand that this can cause some parts of your website to stop working. Exporting of the website gives you the right to use one copy of the website with any web hosting company. It does not give you the right to redistribute source code of website, or any other rights to site builder’s code or any other integrations that we used to build you website.
Please keep in mind that your website may use some plugins or other services that require recurring payments and after paying of the site you are responsible for these fees.
-After first year of service there is option to downgrade to maintenance only package priced at $25/m (you keep the website, domain, hosting, SSL & we keep your site code up to date.) All other services that were offered, e.g. creating listings, local SEO, paid advertising, etc. will be canceled.